Working hard to be ready for the ceremony tomorrow!! Hope to see you there! #OneFairfield
about 3 years ago, John Grunwald
ceremony prep 2
live stream equipment
ceremony prep 1
Listen Live to Saturday's Regional Final Basketball Game at Indianola at 8pm. Use the link below: Go Trojans! #OneFairfield
about 3 years ago, Jeff Courtright
Info about Saturday's Regional Basketball Game at Indianola at 8:00p. Spectator doors open at 7:00p. Tickets must be purchased online at Listen live at Go Trojans! #OneFairfield
about 3 years ago, Jeff Courtright
about 3 years ago, FCSD
Every February the American School Bus Council invites students, schools, and educators to highlight the important role of the yellow school bus in their communities and to show appreciation for the school bus drivers who safely transport more than 25 million children to and from school every day ( These are pictures of artwork created by Washington & Pence students to show their love to Fairfield school bus drivers.
about 3 years ago, FCSD
Picture of bus appreciation from Pence students, & puppy Ruby
Picture of bus appreciation from KG students
Picture of bus appreciation from PK students
about 3 years ago, Brenda Garcia
Jessica's Family
about 3 years ago, Brian Stone
Trojan Head
Info about tonight's Regional Basketball Game at Oskaloosa. Doors open at 6:15 for spectators. All tickets need to be purchased online and are $6 each . Online Tickets: Game will be live streamed at: Go Trojans! #OneFairfield
about 3 years ago, Jeff Courtright
Fairfield Rocket League finishes a strong season. Click the link to read all about it.
about 3 years ago, FHS Esports
FHS Rocket League ended their regular season with a loss to undefeated Wapello today 0-3. Fairfield ends with a record of 5-2, with their only 2 loses coming from the top two spots in the division. They hope to be in action in a live tournament in Des Moines on April 13th. We will also look for other opportunities to play. Great Job Team!!!!
about 3 years ago, FCSD
Today is GAME DAY for FHS Esports. Today's Rocket League match is against undefeated Wapello at 3:00. Come watch in person in the esports arena or watch the live stream at
about 3 years ago, FCSD
FHS Esports Logo
Grunwald and FHS Esports are spotlighted for their Walter Day Trading card that was presented in July. Check it out!
about 3 years ago, FCSD
The FHS Rocket League team took the night tonight and moved to a season record of 5-1. With a win this Saturday, they could be in a 3-way tie for 1st place. However, they will be unable to advance due to tie-breakers. Hope to see you Saturday in person or online! 3:00 PM. #OneFairfield
about 3 years ago, John Grunwald
FCSD is looking for substitute school bus drivers. Click the following link for more information.
about 3 years ago, Brenda Garcia
School bus
about 3 years ago, Brenda Garcia
It is GAME DAY!! Even though their fate was in the hands of another school and the FHS Rocket League team narrowly missed the playoffs, they still have two matches left. The first is tonight at 3:45 against Prince of Peace Catholic and the second is Saturday at 3:00 PM against undefeated Wapello High School. Come cheer them on in person at the high school or watch the match online.
about 3 years ago, FCSD
SIAC Highlight The School Improvement Advisory Committee met on 2.3.2022. Committee highlights from the meeting College options for Students One-Third of the classes offered at FHS are opportunities for college credit. Fairfield High School students have the opportunity to receive both high school and college credits in 68 classes. They are able to choose from 201 high school courses one-third of which are college level. Some of the college credit courses include Construction Technology, Welding, Basic Anatomy and Physiology, Business Law, Children’s Literature, Advanced Horticulture, and Advanced Animal Science. Students can also take health exploration and nursing essentials. This school year, students have taken 735 college credit classes. Watch for future highlights from the SIAC Committee.
about 3 years ago, Laurie Noll
2021 FHS Graduates
For information on Iowa WIC and the nutritional assistance they can provide, click the following links for a flyer with lots of great information. In English: En Español:
about 3 years ago, FCSD
Iowa Wic Logo
Our district and surrounding districts in Iowa need your help. The legislators are preparing to vote on the Supplemental State Aid (SSA). Senators and Representatives are discussing the funding this week. The SSA is the funding stream that helps our districts function. It helps with salaries and it helps with district bills such as heating and lighting. The proposed Legislative increase for districts is a 2.5% increase when the inflation costs are 7%. With the inflation and sales tax growth, the state could provide more to public schools. Pass the word along that the Governor's budget is required to have a 4% revenue growth and a 2% expenditure growth. Districts would ask the same for the public education budget. This amount would help sustain our districts in the state. A 4% SSA is easily affordable even with tax cuts. Now is the time to call and email your legislators to help pass an SSA for 4%. Please pass this along to others to help contact our legislators. Thank you for your help.
about 3 years ago, Laurie Noll