Fairfield FFA attends National FFA Convention and Expo

The Fairfield FFA Chapter had a ton of fun on October 19-22, 2016, the week of the National FFA Convention and Expo. At the convention, members got to listen to the different sessions put on by the National FFA Officers, go to the career show, try new things, and even take a tour. The convention was held in Indianapolis, Indiana this year, returning to the city after being hosted in Louisville, Kentucky, for a few years. So all members who went to convention got a chance to see a whole new place.
The chapter took eleven members, along with their advisor, Miss Courtney Taglauer, and two chaperones, Shawn Nelson and Sherry Taglauer. On the first day of their trip, they traveled in the morning and were able to arrive at the convention and expo late in the afternoon to explore the career show. In the career show, members could walk around learning about new inventions and technologies used in agriculture, that they may not know about. They also get do some hands-on learning, like trying virtual reality equipment. When used with the headphones, it’s almost like you are there. They also got to test out many other products and meet many different people from all of the fifty United States. After the career show closed for the day, the members went to supper and changed for the concert. The members got to see Cole Swindell and Chris Young. They had a great time watching and listening to the concert, where members were even swing dancing.
On day two, the group went to the opening session and listened to the main speaker, Diana Nyad. The session was very interesting. Then they took a tour of Fair Oaks Farm in Fair Oaks, Indiana. They got to tour the dairy barn on buses and got to see the milking carousel. They got to learn all about the cows and how Fair Oaks take care of them. The group also got to see pigs at the swine farm and learn all about them too, through hands-on activities and viewing live pigs. The farm also has a crops building members could tour, where they had video and high tech learning tools, to simulate crop production. Then at the end of their tour, members all got ice cream. Everyone had a great time and really enjoyed the day.
On Friday, day three, members attended another morning session and then the career show. They also attended a leadership workshop in the afternoon. Then they went to another session in the evening, along with the Talent Show. All of the sessions were very good, and a different keynote speaker presented at each one of them, along with a National FFA Officer. All members who attended said they had a great time and would most definitely go back. Friday was the day most of the other FFA chapters left to go home, but the Fairfield chapter had to stay one more night.
The next morning was American FFA Degree Ceremony, and two members from Fairfield received their American Degrees. Ashley Nelson and Trent Taglauer, class of 2015, were the members to receive such a high degree in the FFA. Their families drove out with them to be in attendance. During this ceremony, Indiana Governor Mike Pence greeted all in attendance and thanked them for visiting the state. After the degree session was over, the chapter returned home. The members all said it felt like the week went way too fast. This trip gave them many experiences from learning new things to making new lifelong friends. It is guaranteed they will never forget that trip.