December PTO Notes
FMS PTO Meeting
Reviewed the treasury report.
The FMS staff have decided to go with the Epson Solos-Interactive projector as the technological upgrade that would be funded partially by the PTO money raised through the Trojan Head Painting Project. They have determined that 21 full time classrooms would benefit from it and we could repurpose the Mimeos that are in the 5th grade classrooms now. The cost would be $100 per solo with $275 for the software for each one as well. Estimated total cost is $6,000. Estimated cost for the solos are approximately $1600. We will wait for a final purchase order and then proceed with approving the PTO money for purchasing the solos.
9:15 meeting next Wednesday, December 18th for teacher grant item presentations.
Next meeting will be on: Wednesday, January 8th @ 5:15 p.m.