FMS Students of the Month - January 2021

Each school month, the Fairfield Elks Lodge sponsors the Fairfield Middle School “Students of the Month” award. The purpose of this award is to acknowledge positive contributions of FMS students at school. These positive contributions range from assisting teachers and peers in classroom activities to displaying characteristics as a role model in and out of the classroom. The ‘Students of the Month’ certificates are awarded after a nomination and voting process is completed by each grade level teaching team.
The 5th Grade Team would like to nominate Haylee Eklund as January Student of the Month. She is a delight to have in the classroom. Haylee puts her best foot forward; she demonstrates that by working hard and providing her best work whether it is through distance learning or in-person. I appreciate everything that she has to offer - her great attitude, and her determination to overcome difficult tasks. I am very proud of you, Haylee. Keep up the excellent work and congratulations!
Sawyer McCready has done an outstanding job this entire year of making not only the classroom a better place, but also Fairfield Middle School as a whole. Sawyer is always one that I can count on to be working hard and on task. He is always an active listener and learner, not only when he is here at school, but when he is at home zooming into class. Sawyer is not only great at getting his own work done, but he is one that is always the first one to raise his hand to help out either a teacher or a classmate. Sawyer is never afraid to answer questions or give anything his best effort. His awesome attitude is contagious and all of his classmates would agree. Congratulations, Sawyer, on your January Student of the Month Award!
The 6th Grade Team is pleased to announce that Cylas Elder has been named January Student of the Month. Cylas has a positive attitude towards learning, and this has helped him steadily improve. His work ethic is one of his best attributes. Even when things are challenging, Cylas is not one to give up. If he does not understand something he will always ask for clarification. Congratulations and keep it up, Cylas!
The 6th Grade Team is proud to announce that Arissa Pohren is the recipient of January’s Student of the Month Award. Her teachers have been extremely proud of Arissa’s dedication and hard work. Arissa participates daily and asks questions for a deeper understanding in order for her to complete work and to a high standard. She is an amazing hands-on learner. Congratulations Arissa!
Ayla Pohren transitioned from being a fully virtual student to being a hybrid student and did a wonderful job keeping up with expectations. She brings wonderful ideas to class discussions. She is polite and kind to everyone, which are huge assets to our school climate. Congratulations, Ayla, on being named 7th grade January Student of the Month!
The 7th Grade Team is pleased to announce Chaz Wohnoutka as January Student of the Month. The team has been very impressed by what a terrific job Chaz has done being a virtual student all year. He completes and submits his work on time and it’s always well done. He also communicates well by emailing questions if he needs clarification. Way to go, Chaz!
The 8th Grade Team would like to announce Kaylee Light as January Student of the Month. Kaylee comes to class prepared, and strives to get her work done at all times. She is willing to participate in class and share her ideas. She is also willing to ask for help from her teachers, and communicates well with them if she has any questions or concerns. Keep up the great work, Kaylee!
It is with pride that the 8th Grade Team awards student of the month to Lachlan Gaskell. Lachlan is a friend to all and consistently shows Trojan PRIDE in himself, his school work, and his extracurricular activities. Lachlan's efforts pay off as evidenced by his gifted writing skills and the kind reputation for which he's known. Congratulations, Lachlan!