Each school month, the Fairfield Elks Lodge sponsors the Fairfield Middle School “Students of the Month” award. The purpose of this award is to acknowledge positive contributions of FMS students at school. These positive contributions range from assisting teachers and peers in classroom activities to displaying characteristics as a role model in and out of the classroom. The ‘Students of the Month’ certificates are awarded after a nomination and voting process is completed by each grade level teaching team.
Congratulations to Miranda Lehigh for receiving the May Student of the Month award. Miranda's energetic personality is a joy in the classroom. She always comes to school happy and ready to learn. She loves being around friends and shows a love of learning. She is kind to her peers and is passionate about life. Miranda is well-deserving of this award and is an excellent model to others. Congratulations, Miranda!
Tristin Markle has been selected as the 5th grade May Student of the Month. Tristin has been a joy to have in class this year! He is a great student, always trying his best and working hard! He treats others with kindness and is always willing to lend a hand. He is a great example of Trojan PRIDE! I can always count on him to do the right thing and to help be a leader to others. Congratulations, Tristin! Way to go!!!
I would like to select Peyton Freeman as May Student of the Month. Peyton is a delight to have in the classroom. Peyton loves to learn. She demonstrates that through reading, working hard, staying engaged, and providing her best work. I appreciate everything that she has to offer, such as her great attitude and her determination to overcome difficult tasks. I am very proud of you Peyton! Keep up the excellent work!
Congratulations to Benjamin Strickland on being the May Student of the Month. Benjamin is a student that I can always trust to do what he is supposed to do and to be doing it to the best of his abilities. Benjamin is not only responsible when it comes to doing his own work, but he is also very willing to lend a helping hand to others, whether it be a teacher, classmate, or friend. Ben takes risks and inspires his classmates. Benjamin, keep working hard and being the awesome student that you are!
The 6th Grade Team is proud to announce Bella Buckley as our Student of the Month for May. Bella is a quiet leader and is a very conscientious student who is always kind to others. Bella has a strong work ethic and a strong desire to learn. Congratulations, Bella! Keep up the good work!
Congratulations to Blake Burnett on being chosen as the 6th grade Student of the Month for May. Blake comes to class every day with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. He is a quiet leader, who consistently displays Trojan PRIDE. He is always respectful to everyone. Blake gives his absolute best effort in everything he does. Keep up the great work, Blake!
Merrick Flanagan is proudly announced as the 7th Grade Team’s selection for May Student of the Month. Merrick comes to class every day with a positive attitude and is prepared to learn. She has a strong work ethic and takes pride in her work. She works well with her peers in a variety of settings. Way to go, Merrick!
It is our pleasure to name Tula Sorflaten as the 7th Grade Team’s pick as Student of the Month for May. Tula is dependable. She is kind to others and helps create a positive culture in the classroom. She works well with others in pairs and small groups across all classes. This is very much appreciated! Congratulations, Tula!
The 8th grade team is proud to announce that Donavan Titus is the Student of the Month for May. Donavan has shown outstanding work ethic this month and quite frankly, all year. He works hard to complete all of his assignments on time and strives to do his best on those assignments as well. He continues to be an excellent role model when it comes to behavior expectations in the classroom. Way to go, Donavan!
The 8th grade team is excited to announce that Annabelle Teel has been named the May Student of the Month. Annabelle exhibits all the characteristics of an exemplary student -- by being prepared, turning in work on time, giving her best effort on assignments, paying attention in class, and showing how a respectable student should act. She always shows amazing effort in all she does and is a worker who leads quietly by example. Thanks for being you, Annabelle!